's been a long time hehe..been busy with work and other stuffs so i don't have much time updating my blog. The whole month was a bit crazy, but it was all good. The "busy days" helped me a lot to recover, talkin' about emotions, relationships, depression and whatever you wanna' call it. Everything now for me was back into normal. "That guy" is gone and i'm quite happy with that. Lately, i've realized i've been wasting my time on him. While everything about me was good, some of my friends are having the same experience as i have. Break-ups and a whole lot of cries and pains. Seeing them suffering the same what i have been through also hurts me since i knew what it feels like to be taken for granted and abandoned. But in my case, though we're not friends right now, i still care. Surely, he knows that. It's hard to move on knowing that you still have that "feeling" towards that person. That's normal. Anyone who have loved, knows it. Yeah, after the break up, i've felt that everything around me was gone. Thought it was easy, 'coz i believe i'm strong. But no matter what i did, trying to forget about what happened, still, didn't work out. No matter what i choose to react, nothing happens, the pain, memories, and all, still reminds me of the past. So i just let all my emotions to flow all out. Then, suddenly, just wake up one day, realizing that i was stupid, crying over someone who doesn't even care about me. Sorry for too much drama. I've promised myself not to discuss about it, but i just want to share what i've been through because of "love". Now, everything is different. I don't think he deserve anything, even a smile.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Before and After..hehe's been a long time hehe..been busy with work and other stuffs so i don't have much time updating my blog. The whole month was a bit crazy, but it was all good. The "busy days" helped me a lot to recover, talkin' about emotions, relationships, depression and whatever you wanna' call it. Everything now for me was back into normal. "That guy" is gone and i'm quite happy with that. Lately, i've realized i've been wasting my time on him. While everything about me was good, some of my friends are having the same experience as i have. Break-ups and a whole lot of cries and pains. Seeing them suffering the same what i have been through also hurts me since i knew what it feels like to be taken for granted and abandoned. But in my case, though we're not friends right now, i still care. Surely, he knows that. It's hard to move on knowing that you still have that "feeling" towards that person. That's normal. Anyone who have loved, knows it. Yeah, after the break up, i've felt that everything around me was gone. Thought it was easy, 'coz i believe i'm strong. But no matter what i did, trying to forget about what happened, still, didn't work out. No matter what i choose to react, nothing happens, the pain, memories, and all, still reminds me of the past. So i just let all my emotions to flow all out. Then, suddenly, just wake up one day, realizing that i was stupid, crying over someone who doesn't even care about me. Sorry for too much drama. I've promised myself not to discuss about it, but i just want to share what i've been through because of "love". Now, everything is different. I don't think he deserve anything, even a smile.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Solution for Bad Credit
Bad Creditloans can prevent anyone from achieving their dreams. Fortunately,bad credit credit cards are now available. It is made for people who can’t go on with their future because of bad credit. But with the credit cards for bad credit, one can avail loans for home, auto, and other personal necessities. So don’t fret. Bad will help you build your own future.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Fashion is an art, but for some, it is considered a religion. For other people, fashion is the method of combining clothing, accessories and hair style to either show or hide something about them. Interestingly, it is primarily used to express oneself or act as a personality extension like emo, goth, hip hop, or sporty and etc. Designers are actually the first individuals who have great influence when it comes to this field. In fact there are a lot of people who aspires to be a famous fashion designer. Though this profession can definitely add tremendous status in the fashion industry, it should be earned first. How? Through education. Today, many fashion schools appear on the streamline but only few of them are the best. Some of them are found in one of the major hub for designers – in
Thursday, March 6, 2008
CIRCLES by Marques Houston
I just love this video and it's one of the songs that really made me cry..hehe..
Monday, March 3, 2008
6 Quirky Things About me
Tagged again by my friend LALA
The rules: Link to the person that tagged you. Post the rules on your blog. Share six un-important things/habits/quirks about your self. Tag 6 random people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. Let these random people know that they are tagged by leaving comments in their blog.Let your tagger know when your entry is up.
Six Unimportant things/habits/quirks about my self.
1.Forgetful at times.
2.I eat a lot.
3.Using the bathroom for an hour.
4.I love sleeping.
5.Can't survive without music.
6.Buying unimportant stuffs hehe.
6 people to tag:
Halley, Ate Precy, Mayan, Yen, Leonel
Why I hate rainy days